Fahad Has Lunch With Awa

Fahad Has Lunch With Awa

Fahad did a double-take. It was her. The last time he saw her it was at her brother, Issouf’s farewell party. Issouf used to work for him. He was a quiet and hard-working young man who went to work for him straight out of Heriot-Watt University Dubai. Then, he returned to Burkina Faso to take over running the family’s agricultural business because his father was getting old. Issouf stayed until Fahad found someone to replace him. They threw him a big farewell party and Awa was invited.

The first time Fahad met Awa was when she stopped by the office to take him for lunch. Issouf had introduced them. As he had shaken her hand, he had thought how striking she was and that she looked like a model. When he asked her if she was, she laughed and said, “No, I’m not a model.”

“She’s a Fashion Consultant,” Issouf had informed him.

“What does a Fashion Consultant do?” Fahad had asked.

“A Fashion Consultant helps clients decide which styles are most flattering and suitable for them. Fashion consultants work for companies or on an individual contract basis. I work for companies.”

“Sounds like a very interesting job. I would like to learn more.”

It was at that moment when Issouf had invited him to join them for lunch but he had to decline because of a business lunch meeting he had to attend. “Perhaps another time.”

That other time never came. Issouf left the company and he never saw his sister again until now. He got out of the car and after locking it, he walked over to her. She saw him and smiled. “Hello,” he said when he reached her.


“This is a very pleasant surprise. How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you, Mr. Bashir. How are you?”

“Please call me Fahad. I’m fine, thank you. How’s Issouf?”

“Issouf’s fine. I spoke to him yesterday.”

“How does he like running your family’s business?”

“He likes it very much.”

“The next time you speak to him, please say hello for me.”

“I will.”

“You know, I’m sorry that I never got the chance to have lunch with you and him.”

“Well, if you aren’t busy at the moment or have other plans, we can have lunch now if you like.”

“I would like that very much.”

“Maison de Curry is nearby. We can walk there.”

“Yes, we can. Have you ever been to Maison de Curry before?”

“Yes, a long time ago with a friend. I love their Beef Suya with Saffron Rice.”

“I’ve never been there before but I’ve heard good things about it.”

“I think you will like their Lamb Rogan Josh or the Kerala Pepper Curry Beef.”

“Perhaps, I will. Shall we?”

They walked to the restaurant. It was a nice day as the temperature was in the mid-twenties. Lunch was very pleasant. Over Beef Suya and Lamb Rogan Josh, they talked about her and her job and about him and his family. After they were finished eating, they lingered for a while, enjoying the stunning views of Burj Khalifa and Dubai Fountains and then, they walked back to where his car was parked.

He took her home and they exchanged phone numbers. She watched him drive away and then, she went up to her apartment. She looked forward to hearing from him very soon.

Sources: Seed Educational Consulting; Better Team; Open Table